Whether helping babies or older patients, Wishlist Grants provide funds for a variety of Redcliffe Hospital initiatives that support patient care and staff wellbeing.
You helped support the following projects through Raise it for Redcliffe Hospital donations, in partnership with the RBWH Foundation:

Smileyscope - Paediatric Unit
Fear of needles? The innovative Smileyscope virtual reality technology will help children in Redcliffe Hospital. This funding is for a 1-year subscription, so we hope to secure future funding so this initiative to continue.
Eat Walk Engage patient care resources – Medicine Service Line
Reading glasses, communication devices, headphones, hearing aid batteries, haircare/nail care items and 3 portable DVD players are) will help staff across three hospital wards to help some of the most vulnerable and elderly patients. The Eat Walk Engage program helps to prevent delirium, a common condition affecting one in three older patients in hospital.
Making swallowing easier – Speech Pathology
It sounds fancy, but the Surface Electromyographic Biofeedback (sEMG) technology helps with something most of us take for granted: swallowing. This technology will measure muscle activity and give real-time feedback – to help rehabilitate patients with acute dysphagia (swallowing disorder).
Ngarrama (Maternity Care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families) - Critical Care, Women’s & Children’s Service Line
Preparing for a baby’s arrival is a special time. To make it a little easier, the Ngarrama team can now give some new mums a beautiful Baby Bundle bag supplied by a local charity, A Brave Life. Each bag is filled with essentials for a baby’s first 12 months of life.
Recliner chair for patients and families – Medical Service Line
Some patients find a bed uncomfortable. This new mobile recliner chair will help patients who prefer to sit in a chair, such as heart failure patients. It can also be used by family members who stay overnight to be with loved ones who are critically ill.
Night lights and mood lighting – Maternity Services
Now new mums will be able to breastfeed without using the bright bed light over their beds, which may disturb other mothers in shared rooms. Mood lighting projectors also help create a relaxing and comforting environment for women giving birth.
Redcliffe Hospital Perinatal Bereavement booklet - Social Work and Critical Care, Women’s & Children’s Service Line
During a time of shock and trauma during pregnancy and childbirth, this booklet will help parents with the comprehensive information they need when they get home. It’s a practical way to help families at a time of deep grief.
REDDY Fun and Fitness Support – Facility Services
Team work in action! REDDY Fun and Fitness is run by hospital staff for hospital staff. From ping pong tournaments to fun runs and Christmas fairs, this Wishlist grant will help lift spirits and promote wellbeing.