Raise it for Redcliffe Hospital Wishlist Grants 2024: Making a Difference 

17 Mar 2025

Your gift in action: breastfeeding night lights for mums in hospital funded by a Raise it for Redcliffe Hospital 2023 Wishlist Grant.

Thanks to the generosity of our incredible community, we are proud to announce the recipients of the Raise it for Redcliffe Hospital Wishlist Grants for 2024. These grants directly support patient care, health research, and staff wellbeing at Redcliffe Hospital, helping to improve healthcare experiences for patients of all ages. 

Here is what you helped make possible:

  1. Maternity and Neonatal Services – A home serum bilirubin (SBR) testing kit to improve newborn care and keep families together at a critical time. 

  2. Urology Outpatients – UroShield technology to reduce infection risks for patients managing severe catheter-related issues at home. 

  3. Eat, Walk, Engage Program – Patient resources such as reading glasses and cognitive activities to support those with delirium and similar conditions. 

  4. Nursing and Midwifery Education – Portable training equipment to enhance staff education and in-service training on the wards. 

  5. Geriatrics and Medical Services – Comfort and wellbeing enhancements, including furniture and activity items, to create a less stressful hospital environment for older patients. 

  6. Reddy Fun and Fitness – Wellness initiatives to support the hardworking staff at Redcliffe Hospital, ensuring they can continue to provide excellent patient care. 

Thank You for Your Support!

We are grateful to our generous community and our healthcare heroes for delivering extraordinary patient care at Redcliffe Hospital.